Friday, 22 March 2013

Station 3 :Litter Trap

What is it?

  • The system at the Litter Trap which
     traps litter before the water goes in to LSR
    The way in which water
     is traveled to the Litter Trap 

    As the name says so, it is a device that traps litter coming in from the canals that lead into the reservoir. 

    It is 
    strategically located at the mouth of the canal as it is able to trap the most rubbish, preventing the rubbish to drift away further into the reservoir.

  • We learnt how many recreational activities (kayaking, jogging etc.), which though seem harmless, actually have a very damaging effect on the environment
  • A specific example would be jogging. When joggers drink bottled water to refresh themselves, they will throw the bottles into the river, thus polluting the reservoir


Singapore has come up with many ways to keep Singapore clean eg. the litter trap but the decision ultimately lies in the people themselves. 
A turtle spotted at the Litter Trap

There is a limit to how technology can help us and the people have to be proactive in the journey to make Singapore a clean and green city.

Through this activity, I have learnt ways of reducing the amount of rubbish created, for example by picking up the plastic wrappers used to store food after picnicking.

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